White Allies in A Black Struggle

We are at a time in the United States when racial tensions are high all across the land, creating a pushback unseen since the 1960s. Another black struggle that is reshaping the fabric of our beloved country.

This curret black struggle – full of way too many tales of racial profiling and police brutality – has enpowered and pushed white folk to join in large numbers to help with the pushback. 

Who could be better allies for black people in this unyielding institutional system?!

Just like abolitionists of the 1800s, we need white people today to be on the same frontlines we are on to crush the system. Just like those white folk who marched with Martin Luther King, Jr. and others, we need white people marching with us in Ferguson, Wahington, DC, New York City, and everywhere else.

I am a Unitarian Universalist and I am proud to say that many white Unitarian Universalists are showing up on the frontlines, organizing marches, as well as vigils. These white allies are in Missouri being seen and heard where Michael Brown lost his precious life.

Our white allies are being trained, and they are waiting for black leadership to guide them as we do this work together.

I have shared the pulpit twice this year with white UU ministers who are strong allies in this work. They know the power of being heard and the urgency that exist in the streets where the marches, protests, and vigils are taking place.

More like them will step up, and encourage others to do so.

If you’re a white ally continue to be heard and invite others to do the same. We need you.

2 thoughts on “White Allies in A Black Struggle

  1. Thank you for this perspective Christopher. I know there is a lot of ambivalence about white people joining the cause for racial equity, especially as it relates to some problematic tendencies common among less than ideal white allies in the past, and also more recently. As a white person I read many articles and accounts of such, always with an open mind and an eye towards my own actions, so that I can avoid being part of this problem, and thus a drain on energy and resources. Despite my diligence, I still read every “Dear White Allies…” article posted as if it was directed at me, and I wonder if my continued involvement is intrusive, appropriate, productive or welcome. I don’t know the answer or how to find it.

    This is such a tenuous time, with very sensitive relationships between black and white people, and so many people treading very lightly, so as not to disrupt a newly developing, important and powerful dynamic. I would step away if I were asked to, but only with great reluctance and regret, plus concern that the work towards greater equity for black people is in part the responsibility of white people, especially those of us who hold the 7 UU principles as guidelines for creating our lives.

    So I genuinely appreciate your words of inclusion and welcome. I truly wish to remain involved, but do not want to become intrusive.

    With much gratitude and hope!


    • You’re very welcome. I am fortunate that I could write this kind of article. Especially with my recent experiences being involved in this movement. I am proud of the white allies that I know, and that they are fellow UUs.The white allies that I do know who are involved are not intrusive or in the way, or using up valuable resources. They are the answer to the help that we blacks do need, and most often welcome. I would say continue to be a part of what’s going on and do what you think is best. Thanks for your comments.


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